English 12 Semester two


Students are to take Cornell Notes on the following. Each unit of measurement must have v-10 pages of notes. ACE educator authorization is required to take the unit. Students may use Google Docs to accept notes, simply must show original note taking skills that are approved by your ACE educator. Students will need to write a plot outline for each work. For poems, students will need to annotate the poem.

Students must complete the following to receive full credit for EACH unit:

  • Write a summary of each work (minimum 3-5 sentences per work). Use videos below to understand cloth better and to help with summary notes.

  • Ascertain Literary term with case from the works.

  • Take the Assessment/Final Exam.

Credit 6:Evolving Perspectives in the Past

Use the attached websites and media to aid you in learning about the post-obit stories.

The Works:

Please depict a plot outline for each of the following works for the unit. Please annotate the two poems in the unit. Analyze each piece of work and give your opinion on if it is worthy of literary merit or non.

  • "A Modest Proposal"

  • "Essay On Man"

  • "The Rape of The Lock"

  • "Don Quixote"

  • Don Quixote: The start and finest-a critique

  • A Vindication… Rights of Woman"

Literary Terms:

Write Literary Terms with examples from the text :

    • Theme

    • Irony

    • Ironic Hero

    • Essay

    • Soliloquy

    • Tone

    • Meaning

    • Literal Interpretation

    • Figurative Interpretation

    • Author

Terms tin exist found at: https://literarydevices.internet/


Embedded Cess #1 : In a well thought out essay, choose one of the above works and accost the social issue that arises from the piece of work. Exist sure to apply specific examples from the text to support your thesis.

Needs to be five paragraphs and a minimum of 2 pages.

Credit 7: The Romantic Unit

The Works:

Delight describe a plot outline for each of the following works for the unit of measurement. Delight annotate the 2 poems in the unit. Analyze each work and requite your opinion on if information technology is worthy of literary merit or not. Hither are the works:

  • Tyger

  • Lamb

  • A Poison Tree

  • Kubla Khan

  • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  • She Walks in Beauty

  • Ode to the Westward Current of air

  • Ode on a Grecian Urn

Literary Terms:

Write Literary Terms with examples from the text :

    • Character

    • Autobiography

    • Indirect characterization

    • disharmonize

    • motivation

    • character traits

    • dialogue

Terms can be found at: https://literarydevices.cyberspace/


Embedded Assessment #1 : In a well thought out essay, answer the following. Be sure to organize your thoughts well and back up your thesis.

Choose two poems from above. Compare and contrast the poems and their influence on the Romantic Period of literature. Be sure to apply specific examples from the text to support your thesis.

Needs to be five paragraphs and a minimum of two pages.

Credit 8: The Collective Perspective in Plays

Use the attached websites and media to assist you in learning about the following stories.

Write an Act past Deed Analysis of Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw. One folio of notes for each act.


  • Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

  • My Fair Lady

  • Pygmalion vs. My Fair Lady Article

Afterward reviewing both Pygmalion and My Off-white Lady write a one page comparison on the 2 works. Exist sure to contrast the 2 works.

Literary Terms:

Write Literary Terms with examples from the text :

  • Play

  • Act

  • Scene

  • Epilogue

  • Dialogue

  • Soliloquy

Terms can exist found at: https://literarydevices.net/

Using Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (and/or My Off-white Lady) reply the post-obit questions:

Reply the following questions for the play:

Name Class Period

Play Critique Form

Make full out the following class on a split up sheet of paper or google doc. So, place answers to questions in paragraph grade creating a concrete thorough newspaper form. Minimum 2 full pages written in formal writing mode. Turn in both worksheet and final typhoon for full credit.

  1. INTRODUCTION: What play did y'all see or read?


Brief plot synopsis:

Act 1:

Act 2:

Act iii:

Human activity four:

Human action 5:

  1. SET DESIGN: Depict and evaluate the ready design of the product. Talk about the management in the play.

    • What did the scenery look like?

    • Was it helpful to the play? To the performers? Too distracting? Also overbearing? Do you envision something else working better?

    • How did the set blueprint affect your appreciation of the play?

  1. CONCLUSION: The success of the product as a whole and personal recommendation.

    • As a whole, how would you rate this play? From 4 stars equally the highest to zip as everyman.

    • What does the play have to say about people, relationships, human nature?

    • What did you lot learn well-nigh theater from this product?

    • Was the play entertaining? Why?

    • Would I recommend this play to others? Justify.


Embedded Assessment #1 : Your assignment is to construct an argumentative essay that defends the critical lens that you experience provides mod society with the nearly compelling view of literature (choose amidst Historical, Cultural, or Feminist for this assignment). Y'all will back up the claim with valid reasoning and with relevant and sufficient evidence from your reading and observations.


Embedded Cess #two: Your consignment is to write an analytical essay applying the Feminist Critical Perspective to a short story.

You have two stories to read and cull from:

"The Attorney" by John Collier .

"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin

Plough in assignment to instructor when completed.

Credit 9 ~ Creating Perspectives

The Works:

Watch the following and answer the argumentative essay:

PBS News Wars Part 1

PBS News Wars Part Ii

PBS News Wars Role III

How the Media Twist the News past SHEILA GRIBBEN LIAUGMINAS

Why Partisans View Mainstream Media every bit Biased and Ideological Media as Objective

At present that you accept closely examined the articles, determine which is more persuasive. Be certain to:

  • Heed and respond to the signal of the previous speaker before adding a new bespeak to the word.

  • Cite textual evidence to support your claim.

  • How much did your existing personal opinions influence your perspective on which author was more persuasive regarding media bias?

  • How much did your existing personal opinions influence your perspective on which author was more correct regarding media bias?

  • What'south the deviation between being persuasive and being right?

  • In general, to what extent does our perspective on what is correct influence our perspective on what is persuasive and vice versa?

In one case you take notes on these articles...

Literary Terms:

Write Literary Terms with examples from the text :

  • Theme

  • Tone

  • Paradox

  • Symbol

  • Primary Source

  • Secondary Source

Terms can exist institute at: https://literarydevices.cyberspace/


Your consignment is to write an argumentative essay about your views of the media. Be sure to explain how the media chooses the news and how this news impacts society.


Explain how the media impacts society. How has the news media inverse in the concluding 30 years? How exercise nosotros process information today versus how our parent's received information from the news media in the past (newspapers, television, etc.)?

v-viii pages of piece of work per including the essay

Credit 10-Multiple Perspectives

How are comics different from graphic novels? Consider the basic differences between these two formal definitions.

  • Comics are "juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an artful response in the viewer." (Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics)

  • A graphic novel is a "book-length sequential art narrative featuring an anthology-style drove of comic fine art, a collection of reprinted comic book problems comprising a unmarried story line (or arc), or an original, stand-lonely graphic narrative." (James Bucky Carter, Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels)

The Works:

  • The Arrival

Literary Terms:

Write Literary Terms with examples from the text :

  • paradox

    • symbol

    • protagonist

    • antihero

    • setting

    • inference

    • graphic symbol

Terms can exist institute at: https://literarydevices.internet/


Embedded Assessment #1 :

Read and interpret Shaun Tan'southward graphic novel The Inflow , applying different critical perspectives at various points during your study. At the same time, you will begin engaging in an ongoing process to assistance you keep track of how Cultural Criticism enhances your understanding of the entire text. You will then build on this foundation as yous explore a play or novel with a small group, choosing which critical perspectives to apply and evaluating how each one helps you brand meaning. Past the end of the unit, y'all and your group should be well prepared to demonstrate in a presentation how multiple critical perspectives enriched your understanding of the play or novel you lot read.

Your assignment is to write nearly a novel or play. Y'all will collaboratively set up an analysis of the literary piece of work through multiple critical perspectives and present it in the medium of your choice (PowerPoint, docs, sheets, etc). Your analysis should include a summary of your novel or play and your thoughts on the piece of work as a whole.